Repo Hosting
In this lesson, we'll discuss how you can host your repo on a server which makes your project indestructible!
What is repo hosting? #
As discussed in the previous lesson, Git can be used to version control your project on your local machine; however, it cannot be used to collaborate with others and does not safeguard your project if you lose your machine.
So, to ensure that your project remains accessible even if you lose your machine, you can upload your code to a server. This is called ‘repo hosting’ and many services are available for free that provide this. For example, GitHub.
GitHub #
Before we get into GitHub, we’re going to stress upon the fact that Git and GitHub are NOT the same! Git is a version control system, whereas GitHub is a repository hosting service! Okay, so let’s get started.
Creating a GitHub repo from an existing Git repo #
First, sign up to GitHub. Create a free account and sign in. Then, create a new repo by clicking the +
symbol and ‘new repository’ on the top right as shown below.