Refining Markup Details

In this lesson, we will refine some markup details and learn to work with URLs in HTML.

In the chapters you have already gone through, you have seen a number of HTML elements, and you have utilized them in exercises and samples. Most exercises had a “How It Works” section that explained important details, however, there were important subtleties not treated there.

In this section you will learn the most important nitty-gritty markup details that are crucial to know before diving into deeper subjects.

Working with URLs

When creating an HTML page, there are many markup elements that require you to specify URLs where URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. The first that probably jumps into your mind is the <a> element’s href attribute, which contains a link to a target page. There are other elements where URLs play an important role, and we can divide them into groups just to see that there are different situations where you can meet URLs:

You can use them to link to other documents and resources. The previously mentioned <a> tag is one example, but you can also use the <link> tag in this context; for example, when you use it to point to the next document, provided the current document is a part of a series.

You often link external style sheets and scripts with the <link> and <script> tags, and here you refer those external files with URLs. Your web page may cite an external reference, such as the <q>, <blockquote>, <ins>, and <del> elements, and they ...

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