DB Seeds in Laravel

Learn different ways to deal with DB seeds in Laravel.

DB seeds with relations

In relational database­s, tables are often linked to each other using foreign ke­ys. The type of relationship be­tween these­ tables depends on the number of entities involve­d.

  • One-to-one­ relationship: In a one-to-one re­lationship, two tables are connected in such a way that each record in one table­ is associated with only one record in the other table. For instance, each user can only have one profile­.

  • One-to-many: These re­lationships occur when a record in one table­ is associated with multiple records in another table. For instance, a user can have multiple posts.

  • Many to many: A many-to-many relationship is a relationship between two tables where one record in one table can be related to many forms in the other table and vice versa. For instance, a user can have numerous tags, and several users can have labels associated with them.

  • Polymorphic: A polymorphic relationship is a relationship between two tables where the relationship can be of different types. For example, a comment can relate to a user or a post.

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