
In this lesson, we will look at the behavior of the align-self rule that determines the alignment of an individual Flex item on the cross axis.

Align-self options

The align-items rule determines how all Flex-items inside a Flex container are aligned on the cross-axis.

Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule. For instance, suppose there are blog post thumbnails centered on the cross-axis. However, as we put the mouse cursor over a Flex item, we would like to stretch that one blog post thumbnail.

We can define similar exceptions on any Flex item using align-self.

The cross-axis alignment of a Flex item is determined as follows:

If there is an align-self rule defined on an individual Flex item, then this rule takes priority. Otherwise, the align-items property of the container determines the cross-axis alignment of the Flex item.

There is one more caveat that determines if align-self has an effect on the cross-axis alignment of a Flex item: the Flex container has to have a defined cross-axis dimension.

  • For row or row-reverse Flexboxes, height has to be defined on the container.
  • For column or column-reverse Flexboxes, width has to be defined on the container.

align-self with horizontal flex-direction

Let’s examine the possible values for align-self in the case of horizontal flex-direction:

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