HomeCoursesDesigning Web Layouts with CSS and Flexbox



Designing Web Layouts with CSS and Flexbox
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Gain insights into designing mobile-responsive web layouts using Flexbox. Delve into Box Model basics, Flexbox containers, and item alignment, and apply your knowledge to create stunning, mobile-first websites.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will get hands-on experience in designing mobile-responsive web layouts using Flexbox. You will start with the basics like the Box Model and the process of layouting. You will then move on to advanced concepts such as Flexbox containers, and aligning individual Flexbox items. Near the end of the course, you will put everything you just learned into practice. You will work on a project that focuses on developing a mobile-first website where you’ll experiment with page layout, headers, fo...Show More
In this course, you will get hands-on experience in designing mobile-responsive web layouts using Flexbox. You will start with t...Show More


Learn the basics of creating web layouts
Understand how Flexbox works
Get hands on experience in designing mobile-responsive web layouts using Flexbox
Learn the basics of creating web layouts

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Application Layer


Course Content


Flexbox Conclusion and Next Steps

1 Lessons

Map out the steps for mastering Flexbox and transitioning to the CSS Grid system.
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