

Create a Custom Offline Page

Create a Custom Offline Page

Let's use the SW lifecycle events to create a custom offline page.

Exercise goal

This exercise aims to familiarize with the service worker’s lifecycle events.

To do so, we will implement a simple JavaScript application that, thanks to the SW, can provide a custom offline page when the client is offline.

We can also implement this practical case for a personal project or our company site, like displaying corporate colors and using the company logo on a custom offline page.

Code structure

The code widget below uses a Node Express server to serve some HTML and JavaScript files.

For convenience, I already created the application frame and left some blank parts to be filled for our offline page functionality. These parts are marked with a Todo comment, which describes the task, like in the following snippet:

Press + to interact
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
// Todo: Register the service worker here

If unsure which method should be invoked, you can always refer to the previous lesson, where all the details for each lifecycle event are explained.

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