How to split a Python string into a list


The split() method​ in Python breaks a string down into a list of substrings using a specified separator. The method does not alter the original string; instead, a new list of substrings is returned.


str.split(separator, maxSplit)
  • The string splits at the specified separator. If a separator is not provided, then the string is split on every white-space.
  • maxSplit is an integer that specifies the maximum number of times the string can be split. If it is not specified, then there is no upper limit.
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The following code snippet demonstrates how the split() method is used. ​

str1 = "hi, this is, educative"
# Without any arguments, the separator is a white-space.
print("Split using default separator:", str1.split())
print("Split using ',' as a seperator:", str1.split(','))
# Setting maxSplit to 1 means the string is only split once.
print("Split using ',' as a seperator with maxSplit:", str1.split(',', 1))
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