

Coding Example: Minkowski-Bouligand Dimension

Coding Example: Minkowski-Bouligand Dimension

This problem is an extension of the previous case study. In this lesson, we'll learn how to find the fractal dimension of the Mandelbrot set.

Note: You should look at the ufunc.reduceat method that performs a (local) reduce with specified slices over a single axis.

Problem Description

We now want to measure the fractal dimension of the Mandelbrot set using the Minkowski–Bouligand dimension. To do that, we need to do box-counting with a decreasing box size (see figure below). As you can imagine, we cannot use pure Python because it would be way too slow. The goal of the exercise is to write a function using NumPy that takes a two-dimensional float array and returns the fractal dimension. We’ll consider values in the array to be normalized (i.e. all values are between 0 and 1).

Given below is the Minkowski-Bouligand dimension: