

Coding Example: Find shortest path in a maze (Breadth-First approach)

Coding Example: Find shortest path in a maze (Breadth-First approach)

In this lesson, we will implement the solution of finding shortest path in the maze that we build in the previous lesson. To find the shortest path, we will use the BFS strategy.

Breadth-First Algorithm

The breadth-first (as well as depth-first) search algorithm addresses the problem of finding a path between two nodes by examining all possibilities starting from the root node and stopping as soon as a solution has been found (destination node has been reached). This algorithm runs in linear time with complexity in O(V+E)O(|V|+|E|) (where VV is the number of vertices, and EE is the number of edges).

Writing such an algorithm is not especially difficult, provided you have the right data structure. In our case, the array representation of the maze is not the most well-suited and we need to transform it into an actual graph as proposed by Valentin Bryukhanov.

Step 1: Implement a Graph Class