Final Remarks

Here’s a quick summary of what we learned from the “Distributed Systems: Building Software for the Real World” module.

We'll cover the following

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the “Distributed Systems: Building Software for the Real World” module.


In this module, we discussed how to architect, design, and build distributed systems considering the obstacles and limitations in the real world. The module discussed four essential aspects of distributed systems, each introduced by a case study. The module started by teaching how to keep our systems alive (maintaining system uptime). Moving ahead, we covered what it means to live in production. In the latter half, we looked at deployments and solving systemic problems of a system as part of the overall information ecosystem. In the end, we have acquired the skills to design, develop and troubleshoot distributed systems.


  • We covered the importance and basics of distributed systems.
  • We learned the integral algorithms and protocols used in distributed systems.
  • We learned how to architect, design, and build distributed systems for the real world.