Designing for Transparency

Learn about visibility in systems and optimization, scaling effects, and coupling.

Local visibility

Transparency arises from deliberate design and architecture. Adding transparency late in development is about as effective as adding quality. Maybe it can be done, but only with greater effort and cost than if it’d been built in from the beginning.

Visibility inside one application or server is not enough. Strictly local visibility leads to strictly local optimization. For example, a retailer ran a major project to get items appearing on the site faster. The nightly update was running until 5 or 6 a.m., when it needed to complete closer to midnight. This project optimized the string of batch jobs that fed content to the site. The project met its goals, in that the batch jobs finished two hours earlier. Items still did not appear on the site, however, until a long-running parallel process finished, at 5 or 6 a.m. The local optimization on the batch jobs had no global effect.

Scaling effects

Visibility into one application at a time can also mask problems with scaling effects. For instance, observing cache flushes on one application server would not reveal that each server was knocking items out of all the other servers’ caches. Every time an item was displayed, it was accidentally being updated, therefore causing a cache invalidation notice to all other servers. As soon as all the caches’ statistics appeared on one page, the problem was obvious. Without that visibility, we would’ve added many servers to reach the necessary capacity, and each server would’ve made the problem worse.