

Integrate Allure Reports

Integrate Allure Reports

In this lesson, you'll learn how to integrate Allure reporting to our project and produce visually appealing test reports.

What is Allure?

Allure Framework is a flexible and lightweight test reporting tool that shows a very concise representation of test execution in a very intuitive web report.

Installing Allure via command line


brew install allure


sudo apt-add-repository ppa:qameta/allure
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install allure


To install scoop, follow the link.

scoop install allure

Manual installation

Alternatively, we can download the latest Allure command-line binary from link, extract, and add to classpath.

Mac / Linux

export PATH=$PATH:</path/allure/bin>


set PATH=%PATH%;<\path\allure\bin>;

Adding dependency

Gradle (in build.xml)

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "io.qameta.allure:allure-gradle:2.8.1"

plugins {
    id 'io.qameta.allure'

def allure_version = '2.13.1'

allure {
    version = allure_version
    autoconfigure = true
    aspectjweaver = true
    clean = true
    allureJavaVersion = allure_version
    resultsDir = file('test-output/allure-results')
    reportDir = file('test-output/allure-reports')
   downloadLink = "https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/qameta/allure/allure-commandline/${allure_version}/allure-commandline-${allure_version}.zip"

Opening Allure report

./gradlew allureServe

Maven (in pom.xml)




Opening Allure report

mvn allure:serve

Understanding Allure

Allure has few annotations for marking the life cycle of test execution.

  • @Step
  • @Attachment


Any action that constitutes a testing scenario is marked with @Step.

@Step("opening base url")
public void openUrl(String url) {

Here, by default, the name of the step will be taken if the name parameter is not mentioned in @Step. We can also have placeholders too in the name parameter. For more information, please follow the link.

This can also be done programmatically, using the below code.

import static io.qameta.allure.util.AspectUtils.getName;
import static io.qameta.allure.util.AspectUtils.getParameters;
import static io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils.getStatus;
import static io.qameta.allure.util.ResultsUtils.getStatusDetails;
import io.qameta.allure.AllureLifecycle;
import io.qameta.allure.Step;
import io.qameta.allure.model.Parameter;
import io.qameta.allure.model.Status;
import io.qameta.allure.model.StepResult;
import io.qameta.allure.Allure;

public void openBaseUrl() {
    StepResult result = new StepResult().setName("open base url");
    Allure.getLifecycle().startStep(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), result);
    try {
        getLifecycle().updateStep(s -> s.setStatus(getStatus(e).orElse(Status.PASSED));
    } catch(Exception e) {
        getLifecycle().updateStep(s -> s.setStatus(getStatus(e).orElse(Status.BROKEN));
        throw e;


The below method annotated with @Attachment should return either a String or byte[]. For attaching a file to the report, do as follows:

@Attachment(value = "adding log", type = "text/plain")
public String addAttachment() {
    return "hello";

Alternatively, for doing the same programmatically without using @Attachment annotation, do as follows:

public void openBaseUrl() {
    Allure.getLifecycle().addAttachment("adding log", "text/plain", ".txt", "hello");

Multiple overloaded methods are also available. Please follow the link for more information.

Additionally, please follow the link for more comprehensive information about Allure.

Sample report

Following is a sample report generated by Allure framework: