

Using Listeners

Using Listeners

In this topic, we will see the list of TestNG Listeners.

TestNG listeners #

There are several interfaces that allow us to change the behavior of TestNG at runtime:

  • IAlterSuiteListener - on implementing this interface, we have method alter to alter the test suite
  • IAnnotationTransformer - on implementing this interface, we can alter @Test, @DataProvider, @Factory, @Listener annotations
  • IClassListener - on implementing this interface, we can call onBeforeClass and onAfterClass
  • IConfigurable - on implementing the interface, run method will be invoked instead of each configuration method found
  • IConfigurationListener - on implementing this interface, we can call methods onConfigurationSuccess, onConfigurationFailure, onConfigurationSkip and beforeConfiguration
  • IDataProviderListener - method beforeDataProviderExecution and afterDataProviderExecution
  • IExecutionListener - onExecutionStart and onExecutionFinish
  • IHookable - this method has a method run and on implementing, run method will be called instead of @Test method
  • IInvokedMethodListener - on implementing this interface, we have method beforeInvocation, afterInvocation, beforeInvocation, afterInvocation that gets invoked before and after a method is invoked by TestNG, irrespective of whether they pass/fail or gets skipped
  • IMethodInterceptor - on implementing the interface, we can call intercept to alter the list of test methods that TestNG is about to run
  • IReporter - on implementing the interface, we have method generateReport to create custom reports
  • ISuiteListener - on implementing the interface, we can call onStart and onFinish
  • ITestListener - on implementing the interface, we have methods onTestStart, onTestSuccess, onTestFailure, onTestSkipped, onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage, onTestFailedWithTimeout, onStart, onFinish

Declaring listeners #

In testng.xml #

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Sample Test Suite" parallel="tests" thread-count="5">
        <listener class-name="com.example.SampleTestListener" />
    <test name="Sample Test">

Listeners can be configured for the entire test suite in testng.xml like above. Under <listeners>, multiple <listener> can be added.

In TestClass #

@Listeners( { com.example.SampleTestListener.class } )
public class TestClass {

Listeners can be configured only for certain test classes like the above code snippet by adding @Listeners({ ListenerA.class, ListenerB.class, ...}) at the class level.

That is how listeners work with TestNG. In the next lesson, you will study how to restart a failed test.