Adjoint of a matrix

The adjoint of a square matrix AA, denoted as adj(A) or adjugate(A), is obtained by taking the transpose of the matrix of cofactors of AA. In simpler terms, the adjoint matrix is formed by replacing each element of AA with its corresponding cofactor and then transposing the resulting matrix.

Calculating the adjoint of a matrix

To compute the adjoint of a matrix AA, follow these steps:

  1. Matrix of minors: For each element aija_{ij} in AA, calculate the determinant of the matrix obtained by removing the ithi^{th} row and jthj^{th} column of AA.

  2. Matrix of cofactors: Multiply each element in the matrix of minors by (1)i+j(-1)^{ i+ j} to obtain the matrix of cofactors.

  3. Adjoint matrix: Take the transpose of the matrix of cofactors to obtain the adjoint matrix.

Adjoint of a 2×22 \times 2 matrix

In a 2×22 \times 2 matrix, the calculation of the adjoint matrix can be simplified into two intuitive steps, which are easy to grasp and visualize.

  1. In this step, we interchange the elements in the main diagonal of the matrix.

  2. After interchanging the diagonal elements, we change the signs of the off-diagonal elements.

Adjoint of a 2×2 matrix
Adjoint of a 2×2 matrix

Adjoint of a 3×33 \times 3 matrix

Let's understand this with the help of a 3×33 \times 3 matrix:

For each element in matrix AA, we need to calculate the determinant of the 2×22\times 2 matrix formed by removing the row and column containing the element. The matrix of cofactors CC can be calculated in the following way:

Learn how to calculate the determinant of the matrix.

Calculating the cofactor matrix
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The adjoint of matrix AA is the transpose of the cofactor matrix CC :


The adjoint of a matrix is a concept with applications spanning various mathematical and scientific disciplines. Its role in finding inverses, solving linear systems, and its intriguing geometric interpretation make it a cornerstone of matrix algebra.

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