attributeerror: module keras.utils has no attribute sequence

At times, developers may encounter an error while working with the Keras library in Python that reads: AttributeError: module 'keras.utils' has no attribute 'Sequence'. This error often occurs due to incorrect usage or missing imports within the program.

This Answer discusses the causes behind this error, along with the suitable solutions to resolve it.

Introduction to Keras

Keras is an open-source neural network library written in Python. It is user-friendly, modular, and extensible. It can also run on top of TensorFlow, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, R, Theano, or PlaidML. Keras is a popular library used in deep learning to build neural network models.

Note: To learn more about building neural networks using Keras, please refer to this Answer.

Understanding the error

First, let's clarify what the error message is trying to convey. The AttributeError usually means that we're trying to access an attribute or method that does not exist for the object in question. In this case, the problem is with the module keras.utils which doesn't have an attribute named sequence.

Possible causes

The error usually arises due to the following causes:

  1. Incorrect or outdated Keras version: In many instances, such issues arise due to an outdated version of Keras.

  2. Incorrect import statement: Sometimes, we may be using an incorrect import statement which is causing the error.

Cause 1: Incorrect or outdated Keras version

The Keras library constantly gets updated, and with each update, some classes, methods, or attributes may change. If we are working with an older version of Keras, the Sequence attribute might not be available.


The primary solution is to update Keras to the latest version. The pip package manager easily performs this. We can use the follwing code.

pip install --upgrade keras
Command to upgrade the Keras version using pip

If we're using the Anaconda distribution, we'll use the following code.

conda update keras
Command to update the Keras version using conda

Cause 2: Incorrect import statement

In some instances, this error might occur if the import statement is incorrect or has been omitted. The following line code will generate this error.

from keras.utils import Sequence


To resolve this, we must ensure that the Sequence class is imported correctly from the keras.utils module. The correct import statement is as follows:

from tensorflow.keras.utils import Sequence

Now that we have resolved the error, let's learn more about the Sequence class in Keras and what it is used for.

What is Sequence?

The Sequence class in Keras is a versatile tool for managing data loading. It is especially useful when dealing with large datasets that cannot fit entirely into memory. By inheriting from the Sequence class and implementing its methods, users can create custom data generators that efficiently feed data to a model in batches during training.

Correct usage of Sequence in code

Having addressed the potential causes of the error, it's essential to understand how to utilize the Sequence attribute in a program correctly.

Let's consider a simple scenario where we need to feed data in batches to a model due to the large size of the dataset. Here is an example.

from tensorflow.keras.utils import Sequence
import numpy as np
import math
# Dummy data
input_data = np.arange(1000)
output_data = 2 * input_data
class DataSequence(Sequence):
def __init__(self, input_data, output_data, batch_length):
self.input_data = input_data
self.output_data = output_data
self.batch_length = batch_length
def __len__(self):
return math.ceil(len(self.input_data) / self.batch_length)
def __getitem__(self, index):
batch_input = self.input_data[index * self.batch_length:(index + 1) * self.batch_length]
batch_output = self.output_data[index * self.batch_length:(index + 1) * self.batch_length]
return np.array(batch_input), np.array(batch_output)
# Creating a sequence
data_sequence = DataSequence(input_data, output_data, batch_length=100)
# Display the first batch
input_batch, output_batch = data_sequence[0]
print(f"input_batch: {input_batch}")
print(f"output_batch: {output_batch}")

Code explanation

  • Lines 13: These lines are responsible for bringing in the necessary resources for the code. The Sequence class from Keras, numpy for handling numerical computations, and the math library for mathematical operations are imported.

  • Lines 67: These lines generate two numpy arrays. input_data contains numbers from 0 to 999, while output_data is the double of each value in input_data.

  • Line 9: This line defines a new class, DataSequence, that extends the Sequence class provided by Keras.

  • Lines 1114: The __init__ function of DataSequence is being declared here. This function serves as a constructor for the class and is invoked when a DataSequence object is created. It takes in input_data, output_data, and batch_length as arguments, which represent the input data, the output data, and the number of samples per batch, respectively.

  • Lines 1617: Here, the __len__ function for DataSequence is defined. This function calculates the total number of batches by dividing the total count of the input data by the batch length and rounds it up to the closest whole number using the math.ceil function.

  • Lines 1922: This is where the __getitem__ function of DataSequence is defined. This function fetches a batch of data at a specified index by selecting the appropriate section from input_data and output_data.

  • Line 25: An instance of DataSequence named data_sequence is created. The input_data, output_data, and a batch length of 100 are passed to it.

  • Lines 2830: The first batch of data is retrieved from data_sequence and stored in input_batch and output_batch. These batches are then printed out.


While dealing with libraries like Keras, it is not unusual to encounter errors such as AttributeError: module 'keras.utils' has no attribute 'sequence'. In most cases, these errors can be rectified either by correcting typographical mistakes, updating the library, or using appropriate classes and methods as per the library's documentation.

Understanding the potential causes and solutions of such errors can help programmers quickly debug and enhance their machine learning models.

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