Machine learning is ubiquitous in just about every industry right now. Every time you browse Facebook, Youtube, or Amazon, your recommended feeds are generated using machine learning.
Our catalog of quick Machine learning shots is ever-evolving. Our current selection of shots is organized by:
Disclaimer: A catalog answer links together all the answers on a particular topic and outlines how they fit together. A catalog does not attempt to cover the scope of a topic. It is only a catalog of the answers we have on the topic thus far.
Machine learning leverages data to answer questions that may not be easy to define computationally. Instead of us having to define what a cat looks like to a computer, we can have the computer understand on its own by looking at many pictures of cats on the internet. The implications of what this technology can do for us include self-driving cars, machines that can check for cancer, and more!
Here are some shots on the theory of machine learning to get you started:
Collaborative Filtering is a Machine Learning technique used to identify relationships between pieces of data. This technique is frequently used in recommender systems to identify similarities between user data and items.
What is collaborative filtering?
Content-based Filtering is a Machine Learning technique that uses similarities in features to make decisions. This technique is often used in recommender systems, which are algorithms designed to advertise or recommend things to users based on knowledge accumulated about the user.
What is content-based filtering?
Autoencoders are a type of neural network that can be used to reduced dimensionality or remove noise from a particular type of input. They have many real-world uses (e.g., facial recognition).
What is an autoencoder?
You will, more often than not, be able to use someone else’s model for your application, such as VGG19, for computer vision. You can tailor the model to your own in a process called transfer learning.
What are the strategies for using transfer learning? (CC)
What is transfer learning, and why is it needed? (CC)
An approach to giving answers on a spectrum (e.g., sure vs. somewhat sure) is by using fuzzy logic.
What is fuzzy logic?
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the study of how machines analyze natural languages and produce meaningful information about the text.
What is Natural Language Processing?
What are the necessary tools and libraries for NLP? (CC)
Much of the code for machine learning applications is done in the Python programming language. With Python, you can use utilize powerful machine learning libraries such as NumPy, pandas, TensorFlow, and PyTorch to abstract away most of the work (mathematics) for you.
Learn more about popular Python libraries for machine learning:
What is NumPy?
What is pandas in Python?
What is PyTorch?
Essential Python libraries for machine learning
Get familiar with the technical terms in the language:
Sparse matrices in Python
One-hot encoding in Python
Learn more about key operations in machine learning:
After you have trained your models, you need to understand how it’s performing:
Before applying any of the techniques mentioned, be sure they apply to your model first.
In this section, we will go over miscellaneous topics:
Certain languages may be better suited to a particular use case:
We can use machine learning for automating interesting stuff.
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