DevSecOps (DevOps + security)

DevOps security (DevSecOps) is a set of procedures, tools, and practices that combine software development, operations, and security to enhance the ability of an organization to deliver applications efficiently and securely. This model was introduced to prevent security vulnerabilities in the later stages of development, which caused delays in the release and risky deployment of the software. DevSecOps ensures that security is incorporated into the project lifecycle from day one.



Developer operations (DevOps) is a cross-functional combination of software development and IT operations practices. This model increases the ability of an organization to deliver an application and services at high velocity, evolving and enhancing the products at a faster rate. This allows software companies to deliver better results to their customers.


With the rapid advancement of technology, new risks and cultural changes emerge that give rise to security challenges that cannot be handled with traditional security management practices. DevSecOps approach integrates security into every stage of software development and operations life cycle.


DevSecOps Implementation

Following are some of the best DevSecOps practices:

  • Shift security left: Shifting leftmoving a task to an early stage of the development cycle of security incorporates security standards in the early development stages of the software. The development tasks are considered complete once the functional requirements and security checks are completed.

  • Security automation: The integration of vulnerability scanning, validations, security practices, and other configurations into an automated CI/CD pipeline improves the quality of security and makes it more efficient.

  • Continuous feedback loop: This is backed by an automated process that looks for security discrepancies and alerts developers in real-time. When a security issue is identified, it is released into the development pipeline, which allows all teams to collaborate and fix the problem as soon as possible.

DevSecOps tools

DevSecOps tools are crucial in integrating security into the software development and operations pipelines. This helps organizations build and deploy secure applications. Some tools are:

  • Dynamic application security testing (DAST): This is designed to detect the conditions that might cause a security vulnerability in an application when it is in its running state.

  • Static code analysis: The source code of the application is analyzed before the application is in its runnable state. This allows you to prevent vulnerability in the earlier stages of the lifecycle.

  • Interactive application security testing (IAST): The code is analyzed while the app is run by a human tester or any interaction with the application.

  • Software composition analysis (SCA): This identifies the third-party libraries and dependencies that the application relies on and might bring vulnerabilities into the system.

Businesses need to integrate the above tools with their CI/CD pipelines, train developers and ensure regular audits of all processes.


What is DevSecOps?


A programming language


A software development methodology


A framework for securing the software development process


A cloud computing service

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