Dictionary in C#

A dictionary is a data structure in C# that is similar to the hash-table (a collection used to store key-value pairs). In a dictionary, we cannot have duplicate or null keys, but we can have duplicate or null values.

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The first argument specifies the key type and the second is for the value type.

Dictionary <dataType, dataType> dictionary = new Dictionary<dataType, dataType>();

Remember: Dictionary collection is implemented in the class System.Collection.Generics.

Basic methods

Method Description
1.Add(key, value) Used to insert a key-value pair in a dictionary.
2.Remove(key) Used to remove a pair with a specified key.
3.ConatinsKey(key) Used to check whether or not a specified key exists in the dictionary.
4.ConatinsValue(value) Used to check whether or not a specified value exists in the dictionary.
5.Clear() Used to remove all the pairs from the dictionary.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class DictionaryTesting
static void Main()
Dictionary<int, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();
// Add(key, value) Method
// Printing dictionary
System.Console.WriteLine("Dictionary after adding pair:");
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, string> temp in dictionary)
Console.WriteLine("Key {0} and Value {1}", temp.Key, temp.Value);
// Remove(key) Method
// Printing dictionary
System.Console.WriteLine("Dictionary after removing pair with key 4:");
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, string> temp in dictionary)
Console.WriteLine("Key {0} and Value {1}", temp.Key, temp.Value);
// ConatinsKey(key) Method
System.Console.WriteLine("Dictionary has any pair with the key = 5?");

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