Kotlin and Java are two different programming languages, even though Kotlin emerged from Java. Mainly these languages are used for mobile application development in Android Studio for the Android platform.
So to learn and practice those programming languages, we don’t directly need to code them on Android Studio. We can also code them in Intell J IDE, VS Code, etc. Nowadays, online compilers are acing the programming aspects.
Here’s the best source for practicing Kpotlin programming: https://play.kotlinlang.org/koans/overview.
For Java JDK (Java Development Kit), the JDK contains tools for creating and evaluating Java-based applications that run on the Java platform, which we can download from the following link: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/.
Apart from individual installations, Android Studio directly provides the environment for coding using both Kotlin and Java.
Let’s start with the Android Studio installation:
Click Android Studio in the search engine or go to this link: https://developer.android.com/studio.
.In the above screen displayed, click "Create a new project", which goes into the below screen for selecting the type of activity.
After selecting the activity type, a new prompt appears, including the kind of language we want to use for this project.
Specify the language as either Java or Kotlin. This is how the working installation aspects on those two languages in Android Studio.
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