Exploring the belongs_to association in Rails

In Ruby on Rails, associations are used to establish relationships between different database tables. The belongs_to association is used when defining a one-to-one or many-to-one relationship between two models, where one model belongs to another.


The belongs_to association is defined in the model class that “belongs to” another model. The syntax for defining a belongs_to association in Rails is as follows:

class ModelName < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :associated_model

Here, ModelName is the name of the model declaring the association and associated_model is the name of the model it belongs to. The belongs_to method creates several methods for accessing and manipulating the associated model.


Let’s consider a scenario where we have two models: User and Address. Each user can have only one address, and an address can belong to only one user. We can define this relationship using the belongs_to association.

First, we need to create the models using the Rails generator:

rails generate model User name:string
rails generate model Address street:string city:string

In the User model, we define the belongs_to association with the Address model:

class User < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :address

In the Address model, we don’t need to define any association because the belongs_to association is defined in the User model.

The following illustration depicts the relationship using a class diagram:


Let's see the following app to see all of the above in action. It creates and implements a belongs_to association between the User and Address models.

//= link_tree ../images
//= link_directory ../stylesheets .css
//= link_tree ../../javascript .js
//= link_tree ../../../vendor/javascript .js
Demo rails application to test belongs_to association

To see the association between the User and Address models in the Rails console, we can perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Rails console by running the following command in your terminal:

rails console

Note: Clicking the "Run" button in the above widget will take you directly to the Rails console. You just need to perform the following step.

  1. Once the console is open, we can access a User record and examine its associated Address using the belongs_to association. For example, if we want to retrieve the first user and its associated address, we can use the following command:


This will fetch the first user record from the database and access its associated address.

By using these commands, we can interactively explore and verify the belongs_to association between User and Address in the Rails console.


The belongs_to association provides several benefits:

  1. Association methods: Rails automatically generates methods for accessing and manipulating the associated model. For example, in our previous example, Rails would generate a user.address method to retrieve the associated address for a user.

  2. Database integrity: The belongs_to association adds a foreign key constraint to the associated model’s table, ensuring referential integrity at the database level.

  3. Querying and eager loading: The belongs_to association enables efficient querying and eager loading of associated records. Rails leverages this association to optimize database queries and minimize the number of database queries required.


The belongs_to association is a powerful feature in Rails for establishing relationships between models. It allows us to define one-to-one or many-to-one relationships, provides convenient association methods, ensures database integrity, and optimizes database queries. Understanding and utilizing the belongs_to association is essential for building robust and efficient Rails applications.

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