Finding length of longest substring without repeating characters

A substring is a consecutive sequence of characters in a string. If the string is “Educative”, the substrings of this string could be “Educ”, “ucati” etc.


Our goal is to find the length of the longest substring in a string that has all distinct characters.

There are two ways to find the length of the longest substring:

  • The Simple method extracts all the substrings from a string, and then calculates the length of substrings with only distinct characters. There will be [(n * (n + 1)) / 2] substrings in a string of n characters. This method, however, has very bad time complexity ie. O (n^3).
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  • Another method, however, solves this issue of time complexity and calculates the length in linear time. This method uses some space to keep last index of visited characters. The algorithm starts from the first index and moves towards the end of a string; it keeps track of maximum length of the substring with non-repeating characters visited so far. As the string is traversed, every new character is searched for in the already visited part of the string (a temporary array is used for this). If the character is not present, then the current length is incremented by 1. If the character is already present, then we look for two cases:

    • Case 1: The previous occurrence of this character is not the part of current running longest substring. If this is true, then the current length is simply incremented by 1.

    • Case 2: If the previous occurrence of this character is part of the current non-repeating character substring, then the current running longest substring changes. Now, it starts from the character which comes right after the previous occurrence of the currently processed character.


The following code calculates the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define CharacterCount 128 //can change
int longestSubseq(char* myString)
int n = strlen(myString);
int currentLength = 1; // length of current running substring
int maxLength = 1;
int previousIndex;
int * alreadyVisited = new int[sizeof(int) * CharacterCount];
// Initialize the alreadyVisited array as -1, -1 indicates that the character was not visited
for (int i = 0; i < CharacterCount; i++)
alreadyVisited[i] = -1;
// Mark first character as alreadyVisited
alreadyVisited[myString[0]] = 0;
//Start from the second character.
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
previousIndex = alreadyVisited[myString[i]];
// -----------Case 1 -----------
if (previousIndex == -1 || i - currentLength > previousIndex)
// ---------- Case 2 -------------
else {
// we check if the length of previous
// running substring was more than the current or not
if (currentLength > maxLength)
maxLength = currentLength;
currentLength = i - previousIndex;
// Index updation of current character
alreadyVisited[myString[i]] = i;
// Compare the length of last current running longest substring with maxLength and
// update maxLength if needed
if (currentLength > maxLength)
maxLength = currentLength;
free(alreadyVisited); // free memory
return maxLength;
int main()
char myString[] = "ABABCB";
cout << "My string is : " << myString << endl;
int len = longestSubseq(myString);
cout << "The length of the longest substring "
<< "with non repeating characters is : "
<< len;
return 0;

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