Generator vs. iterator in Python

An iterator in Python serves as a holder for objects so that they can be iterated over; a generator facilitates the creation of a custom iterator.

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The main differences

Apart from the obvious syntactic differences, the following are some noteworthy differences:

Generator Iterator
Implemented using a function. Implemented using a class.
Uses the yield keyword. Does not use the yield keyword.
Usage results in a concise code. Usage results in a relatively less concise code.
All the local variables before the yield statements are stored. No local variables are used.


Let’s create a generator and an iterator to generate all the non-negative numbers up to the specified positive number.

1. Generator

Remember that a return statement terminates the execution of a function entirely, whereas, the yield statement saves the function state and resumes its execution, from this point, upon subsequent calls.


# Function to generate all the non-negative numbers
# up to the given non-negative number
def upto(n):
for i in range(n+1):
# The yield statement is what makes a function
# a generator
yield i
for number in upto(5):

2. Iterator

The __iter__() method returns the iterator object. This is required to allow an iterator to be used with the for and in statements.

The __next__() method returns the next element in the sequence. In the case of a finite iterator, once it reaches the end (defined by the termination condition), all of the subsequent calls to this method should should raise an exception.


# Function to generate all the non-negative numbers
# up to the given non-negative number.
class UpTo:
# giving the parameter a default value of 0
def __init__(self, max = 0):
self.max = max
def __iter__(self):
self.n = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
# The next method will throw an
# exception when the termination condition is reached.
if self.n > self.max:
raise StopIteration
result = self.n
self.n += 1
return result
for number in UpTo(5):
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