How can we add HTTP security headers using Helmet.js

HTTP security headers are a generic tool that can be employed by any technology at the HTTP medium, including load balancers, API gateways, reverse proxies, and web application frameworks.

What is Helmet.js?

Helmet.js is a Node.js module that can be used to secure HTTP headers returned by Express applications. HTTP headers are an essential part of the HTTP protocol but are transparent to the end-user. The headers provide essential metadata about the HTTP request or response so the client and server can send additional information in a transaction.


If we use an Express web application setup, we'll begin by installing the Helmet module:

npm install --save helmet

Then, continue to instantiate an Express application object and set an
application middleware using Helmet. In this example, we put the
X-Frame-Options using Helmet's built-in frameguard method:

const express = require('express')
const helmet = require('helmet')
const app = express()
action: 'sameorigin'

We can implement the following HTTP headers using Helmet.js :

Strict transport security

To use Helmet's HSTSHTTP Strict Transport Security library, download the npm package and add it as a package dependency in our Node.js app. After that, set up the hsts to indicate to a web client that it should send HTTPS requests to our server's hostname for a given period:

const helmet = require("helmet");
// Set the expiration time of HTTPS requests to the
// server to 1 month, specified in milliseconds
const reqDuration = 2629746000;
maxAge: reqDuration,

X frame options

Implementing this header with Helmet is as simple as acquiring the helmet package and using Express's app object to instruct Express to use the xframe middleware provided by Helmet.

const helmet = require("helmet");
action: "deny",

Content security policy

To implement this header with Helmet.js, we can use the following code snippet:

const helmet = require("helmet");
directives: {
scriptSrc: ["'self'"],
styleSrc: ["'self'"],

X XSS protection

This header allows us to toggle on or off the Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) filter capability. We can turn on this protection with Helmet.js by using the following snippet:

const helmet = require("helmet");

X content type options

To implement this header with Helmet.js, we can use the following code snippet:

const helmet = require("helmet");

Referrer policy

We can configure this policy using the following code snippet:

const helmet = require("helmet");
policy: "no-referrer",

The implementation of security headers helps us to prevent security vulnerabilities. However, a common mistake is to rely solely on security headers to resolve issues. Effectively responding to a request with a security header depends on the browser to support, implement, and adhere to certain specifications to enforce the header.

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