How to add a column to pandas dataframe

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Python provides a library called pandas that is popular with data scientists and analysts. Pandas enables users to manipulate and analyze data with sophisticated data analysis tools.

Pandas provide two data structures that shape data into a readable form:

  • Series: a one-dimensional data structure that comprises of a key-value pair.
  • Dataframe: a two-dimensional data-structure that can be thought of as a spreadsheet.

Adding a column to dataframe

There are three ways to add a column to dataframe

  1. via list
  2. via df.assign()
  3. via df.insert()
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Here is a dataframe that contains Jack’s and John’s fruits.

import pandas as pd
fruits_jack = ["apples", "oranges", "bananas"]
fruits_john = ["guavas", "kiwis", "strawberries"]
index = ["a", "b", "c"]
all_fruits = {"Jack's": fruits_jack, "John's": fruits_john}
fruits = pd.DataFrame(all_fruits)

Let’s add another column for James’ fruits: watermelons, grapes, peaches.

import pandas as pd
fruits_jack = ["apples", "oranges", "bananas"]
fruits_john = ["guavas", "kiwis", "strawberries"]
index = ["a", "b", "c"]
all_fruits = {"Jack's": fruits_jack, "John's": fruits_john}
fruits = pd.DataFrame(all_fruits, index = index)
print(fruits, "\n")
fruits_james = ["watermelons", "grapes", "peaches"]
##### VIA LIST #####
fruits["James'"] = fruits_james
print("Adding James' fruits using list\n")
print(fruits, "\n")
##### Deleting Jack's Column #####
del fruits["James'"]
##### VIA DF.ASSIGN() #####
fruits = fruits.assign(James = fruits_james)
print("Adding James' fruits using df.assign()\n")
print(fruits, "\n")
##### Deleting Jack's Column #####
del fruits["James"]
##### VIA DFINSERT() #####
fruits.insert(2, "James'", fruits_james)
print("Adding James' fruits using df.insert()\n")
print(fruits, "\n")

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