How to add columns to an existing data frame in R


In this shot, we’ll learn to add a column to an existing data frame. The data frame in R represents data in a table format with rows and columns.

How to add a column to a data frame

To add a column to an existing data frame, we use the cbind() function.


cbind(data_frame, column_data)


The cbind() function takes the following parameter values:

  • data_frame: Represents the data frame object.
  • column_data: Represents the column data we wish to add to the data frame.

Return value

The cbind() function returns a modified data frame with a new column.

Example 1

The code below demonstrates the use of the cbind() function:

# creating a data frame
My_Data_Frame <- data.frame (
Height = c("Tall", "Average", "short"),
Body_structure = c("Meso", "Endo", "Ecto"),
Age = c(35, 30, 45)
# adding a new column
New_Data_Frame <- cbind(My_Data_Frame, nationality = c("Americam", "South African", "Italian"))


  • Lines 2 to 6: We create a data frame variable, My_Data_frame, using the data.frame() function. The data frame contains three columns.
  • Line 9: We use the cbind() function to add a new column with nationality as a name to the existing data frame.
  • Line 11: We print the new data frame New_Data_Frame.

Example 2

# creating a data frame
My_Data_Frame <- data.frame (
Height = c("Tall", "Average", "short"),
Body_structure = c("Meso", "Endo", "Ecto"),
Age = c(35, 30, 45)
# adding a new column
New_Data_Frame <- cbind(My_Data_Frame, Complexion = c("Yellow", "Chocolate", "Dark"))


  • Lines 2 to 5: We create a data frame variable, My_Data_frame, using the data.frame() function. The data frame contains three columns.
  • Line 9: We use the cbind() function to add a new column with Complexion as a name to the existing data frame.
  • Line 11: We print the new data frame New_Data_Frame.

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