How to calculate the area of a sphere in C#


The area of a sphere is the total area covered by the sphere's outer surface. In C#, we can calculate it using the sphere's radius.


4 * Math.PI * r * r
Syntax for calculating area of a Sphere in C#


  • Math.PI: This is an built-in value that represents the mathematical value Pi.
  • r: This represents the radius of the sphere.


using System;
class HelloWorld
// create function to get the areas
static void GetArea(double r){
double area = 4 * Math.PI * r * r;
Console.WriteLine("The area of the sphere with radius "+r+" is "+area);
// main method
static void Main()
// create radius of some spheres
double r1 = 10;
double r2 = 1.5;
double r3 = 4.5;
double r4 = 8;
// get the area of the spheres


  • Line 5: We create a method called GetArea(). It takes the sphere's radius, calculates the area, then prints the result to the console screen.
  • Lines 14–17: In the Main method, we create the radii of some spheres.
  • Lines 20–23: We call the GetArea() method, and display the results on the console.

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