How to calculate the square root in Euphoria


To calculate the square root of any value in Euphoria, we leverage the math method, sqrt().

The sqrt() method

The sqrt() method in Euphoria is part of the standard math library and returns the square root of any integer it is provided with.




value: This is an integer or sequence of integer values whose square root value is to be computed.

Return Value

The sqrt() method returns the square root of the number or the sequence of numbers provided.


To run the code below or any code using math methods, we have to include the std/math.e file in such a program. We can see this here:

include std/math.e
--declare variables
sequence seq1, seq2
--assign values to sequence declared
seq1 = {4,16,36,49,64}
seq2 = {3,5,7,9,15}
--print the values of some numbers
print(1, sqrt(144))
--get square root of seq1 and seq2
puts(1,"\nThe square root of {4,16,36,49,64} is: ")
puts(1,"\nThe square root of {3,5,7,9,15} is: ")


  • Line 1: We include the math module into code.
  • Line 4: We declare some variables seq1 and seq2.
  • Line 7 and Line 8: We assign values to the declared variables.
  • Line 12: We print the square root of 144 to the screen.
  • Line 15 and 18: We calculate and print the square roots of seq1 and seq2.

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