How to center a div vertically and horizontally


It is very essential to center a div horizontally and vertically on our web pages especially while making a card or image gallery.

  • Horizontally centered: It means adding a div in the middle of the container or page on the x-axis.
  • Vertically centered: It means adding a div in the middle on the y-axis.

Horizontally centered

To center any div horizontally relative to any div or container, we just have to apply margin:auto and width which is relative to the containing element. Our styles should look like the following:

  background-color: green;
  height: 300px;
  width: 80%;
  margin: auto;

See the code snippet and output below.

Div horizontally centered


  • Lines 1 and 19 : The start and close of the html tag.

  • Lines 2–13 : We start the head tag which contains the style tag which contains the style for the .middle div.

  • Lines 14–17 : We have the body tag which contains the div which is to be centered.

Vertically centered

To center the div element vertically, we just have to:

  • Give a postion value to our div either relative or absolute depending.

  • Make the top:50%; and

  • Add a transform:translate coordinate values. We should have something like below.

.middle {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(0, -50%);
Center a div Vertically

As you can see from the output above, our div is in the middle of the display pane vertically.


  • Lines 1 and18 : The start and close of the html tag.

  • Lines 2–12 : We start the head tag which contains the style tag which contains the style for the .middle div.

  • Lines 13–17 : We have the body tag which contains the div which is to be centered.

Combination of both horizontal and vertical divs

We can combine the style blocks for the horizontal and vertical centering, to get a div which is centered on a page.

But then, we can apply this style below to achieve that in a much cooler way.

 position: absolute;
 top: 50%;
 left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%,-50%);


The code snippet below shows how a div can be placed at the center of a page.

center both vertically and horinzontally


  • Lines 1 and 22 : The start and close of the html tag.

  • Lines 3–16 : We start the head tag which contains the style tag. The style tag contains the style for the .middle div. In this style the div is given position absolute, with top and left distances of 50%, this will center the div but with some bias. But with the transform: translate(-50%,-50%) piece the div happens to be position correctly at the center, eliminating the bias.

  • Lines 17–21 : We have the body tag which contains the div which is to be centered.

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