How to check if DOM element contains CSS class using JavaScript


We can use the classList property of the DOM element to check if the element contains a specific class.

Note: The classList property contains the live collection of classes present in the DOM element.


Check if the DOM element contains a class


In the HTML tab:

  • We create a div with id=content and class=red.

In JavaScript tab:

  • Line 1: We use the getElementById to get the element with content and store it in the element variable.

  • Line 3: We access the classList property of the element and store it in a variable.

  • Line 5: We use the contains method of the classList property to check if the element has red class. In our case, the red class is present, so true is returned.

  • Line 8: We use the contains method of the classList property to check if the element has blue class. In our case, the blue class is not present, so false is returned.

  • Line 11: We print the classList variable. This will print all the classes present in the element.

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