How to compare two BigDecimals in Java

A BigDecimal consists of a 32-bit integer scale; it is used to handle very large and very small floating-point numbers.

Java provides the built-in function compareTo() which compares the two BigDecimals. The comparison can not be done using the >, < or = operators as these operators can only be used for the primitive data types like int, long and double.

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CompareTo returns

  • 1: when the first BigDecimal is greater than the second BigDecimal.

  • 0: when the first BigDecimal is equal to the second BigDecimal.

  • -1: when the first BigDecimal is less than the second BigDecimal.

Note: The first BigDecimal is the number which calls the function, ​and the second BigDecimal is the number which is passed as an argument in the function.


The following code explains how to compare two BigDecimals:

import java.math.*;
class example {
public static void main(String[] args)
// Creating 2 BigDecimal objects
BigDecimal First, Second;
First = new BigDecimal("47653.002");
Second= new BigDecimal("22121.302");
if (First.compareTo(Second) == 0) {
System.out.println(First + " and " + Second + " are equal.");
else if (First.compareTo(Second) == 1) {
System.out.println(First + " is greater than " + Second + ".");
else {
System.out.println(First + " is lesser than " + Second + ".");

Things to try

  • Try changing the numbers in the code to check the inequality or equality.

  • The numbers are placed between ("") so that they do not become too long. Try removing the double quotes and check the effect.

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