How to convert a decimal to a double in C#


The Decimal.ToDouble() method can be used to convert a decimal to a double in C#.

The Decimal.ToDouble() method converts a specified decimal value to its equivalent double-precision, floating-point number.


public static double ToDouble (decimal d);


d: This is the decimal value that we want to convert to a double value.

Return value

This method returns a double-precision, floating-point number that is equivalent to d.

Code example

// use System
using System;
// create class
class DecimalToDouble
// main method
static void Main()
// create decimal values
decimal d1 = 3234.3434m;
decimal d2 = 0.764342m;
decimal d3 = -858.9990m;
// convert to double
double r1 = Decimal.ToDouble(d1);
double r2 = Decimal.ToDouble(d2);
double r3 = Decimal.ToDouble(d3);

Code explanation

  • Lines 10–12: We create three decimal variables and initialize them with some decimal values.

  • Lines 15–17: We call the Decimal.ToDouble() method on the decimal values and store the results on some double variables, r1, r2, and r3.

  • Lines 19–21: We print the double values which result from the conversion to the console.

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