How to create a class in D


A class is a template definition of the methods and properties (data) in D. The methods and properties are accessible to the objects created for the class. The data and functions within a class are called members of the class.

Creating a class

A class can be created using the class keyword followed by its name. The code example below shows how to create a class in D.


import std.stdio;
class Point {
// Private properties that can be accessed only inside the class
double x;
double y;
// Protected property can be accessed inside the current class and its child classes
int sum;
// Constructor
this(double x, double y) {
writeln("Constructor: Object is being created");
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
// Public methods that can be accessed by the object
double getX() {
return this.x;
double getY() {
return this.y;
double getSum() {
return this.x + this.y;
// Destructor
~this() {
writeln("Destructor: Object is being deleted");
void main() {
// Creating a new object
Point p1 = new Point(10,10);
writeln("p1.x => ", p1.getX());
writeln("p1.y => ", p1.getY());
writeln("p1.sum => ", p1.getSum());
writeln("End of main function");


  • Line 3: We create a class, Point.
  • Lines 5–7: We declared the private membersThese are the properties and methods that can be accessed only inside the current class. x and y. The variables and methods below the private keyword are considered the private members of the class.
  • Lines 10–11: We declare an integer, sum, as a protected member.
  • Lines 13–34: We declare the public membersThese are the properties and methods that can be accessed from anywhere outside the class, but within a program. for the Point class.
  • Lines 15–19: We declare a constructor that executes when an object is created for the class. The constructor takes two values as arguments and saves them to x and y (properties of the class).
  • Lines 22–31: We create three member functions: getX, getY, and getSum. These member functions can be called using the Point class.
  • Lines 32–34: We declare a destructor that executes when an object goes out of scope or if we delete it.
  • Line 39: We create a new object for the Point class using the new keyword.
  • Line 41: We call the getX method. This method returns the x value of the current object.
  • Line 42: We call the getY method. This method returns the y value of the current object.
  • Line 43: We call the getSum method. This method returns the sum of x and y of the current object.

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