How to create a custom list in SwiftUI


A SwiftUI List looks pretty similar to the Settings page in your iPhone. So, whenever you create a List in SwiftUI, that is how your lists will turn out by default.

Create the project

Let’s create a custom SwiftUI List to add some creativity.

To begin, create a SwiftUI Xcode project, and create a struct, namely, Data.

struct Data: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    var name: String
    var age: Int
    var gender: String

Let’s get back in our ContentView.swift and populate some values into this struct.

    private let values: [Data] = [
        Data(name: "John", age: 24, gender: "Male"),
        Data(name: "Katherine", age: 25, gender: "Female"),
        Data(name: "Jonas", age: 21, gender: "Male")

Now, inside your view, create a List, and use ForEach to add and see all your data in list form.

    var body: some View {
        List {
            ForEach(values){ item in

This is how your canvas will now look: This the default SwiftUI List, just like we saw for the Settings page.

Now, let’s create a custom List.

Custom Lists

  • Create a new SwiftUI file, namely Design.

  • Now create a RoundedRectangle, with a cornerRadius of 10.0, and give it a blue color. Also, embed the same in a ZStack, such that we can add our text on top of it later.

            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10.0)
                .frame(height: 100)
  • Now let’s add a little Text and a few alignments to make our list look prettier.
        ZStack(alignment: .leading){
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10.0)
                .frame(height: 100)
            VStack(alignment: .leading){
  • Your view should now look like this:

  • Now, back in your Content.swift, replace your Text and List with the Design file.
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ForEach(values){ item in
  • Now your canvas will look like this:

  • However, our canvas feels a little weird, because it does not show the actual value from the Data. So, let’s parse some data into our view.

  • Back in our DesignView, let’s create three variables, username, age, and gender, and link up the values to the view.

struct DesignView: View {
    @State var name: String
    @State var age: Int
    @State var gender: String
    var body: some View {
        ZStack(alignment: .leading){
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10.0)
                .frame(height: 100)
            VStack(alignment: .leading){

struct DesignView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        DesignView(name: "John", age: 21, gender: "Male")

  • Back in our ContentView, link up the name, age, and gender with the actual data value.
        VStack {
            ForEach(values){ item in
                DesignView(name:, age: item.age, gender: item.gender)
  • Now, our custom list should show the values passed from the actual data.

That’s it! You can edit and style your custom list however you want; you can add a few images, symbols, colors, and whatnot to make your list look beautiful.

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