How to create a Django project

Building a website can seem like an intimidating task, but not to worry. This Answer will break it down into simple steps. We will use Django, a high-level Python web framework, to set up a project.


Django, quite simply, is a Python-based web framework that is both free and open-source. Think of it as a toolkit of components needed to build web applications. It promotes the reuse of software components, which makes it a highly efficient tool for developers. Its main goal is to simplify the creation of complex, data-driven websites by emphasizing reusability and “pluggability” of components.



To follow along with this guide, two things are needed:

  • Python installed on the system.

  • Basic understanding of Python.

Having these ensures a smooth start to the Django journey.

Installing Django

Begin by installing Django with the following command:

pip install django
Command to install Django

Executing this command will install Django's most up-to-date version.

Creating a Django project

Once Django has been installed, the next task involves initiating a Django project, which essentially assembles a set of configurations for a Django instance. The command is:

django-admin startproject projectname
Command to create a Django project

Make sure to replace projectname with the desired name for the project. It is important to note that a new directory will be created in the current directory.

Running the server

At this point, we can initiate the Django server. Access the recently created project directory using the following command:

cd projectname
Command to navigate to the project directory

Within the project directory, we can start the Django server by executing the following command:

python runserver
Command to run the server

Running the above command will execute the server, operating on port 8000 as its default setting. This will display a rocket image and the message: "The install worked successfully! Congratulations!" which indicates that the Django project has been successfully created.

Executable Django project

Here is the executable Django project:

Basic Django project

Wrapping up

This guide has demonstrated the setup of a simple Django project. This is just the beginning. Django is a powerful and flexible framework that allows for the creation of complex web applications. Don't hesitate to experiment and explore Django further!

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