How to get command-line arguments in C

Command line arguments are referred to parameters that are passed to a program when it is to be executed via the command line/terminal.

We can pass command line arguments to a C program by adding individual arguments separated by spaces after the command to execute the binary file.


Below is the syntax that shows how to pass command line arguments to a C program.

./<programName> <argument1> <argument2> ...
Pass arguments to a C program

The programName is the name of the binary executable file, while argument1 and argument2 refer to the two arguments we pass to the program.


Let's say we have a C program named passArguments. We will use the command ./passArguments in the command line to run the program.

If we want to pass two arguments, arg1 and arg2, to the program, we will add them after the program's name, separated by spaces.

So our shell command would be:

./passArguments arg1 arg2
Sample shell command to pass arguments

How to retrieve the arguments

We will now examine how we can access those arguments within the program. To retrieve the command line arguments, we have two parameters that we can pass to the main() function.

  • argc: This integer variable refers to the number of arguments passed to the program via the command line.

  • argv: This refers to the argument vector, an array of strings containing the arguments passed to the program.


Below, we can see how to initialize these parameters in the main() function.

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
// write code here
Syntax for main() function arguments

All arguments will be stored in the double-pointer char array named argv, with the number of arguments inside argc.


We will now look at the C program below, which prints all the arguments passed to the program via the command line.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

    for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++){
        printf("\nArgument %d = argv[%d] = %s\n", i , i, argv[i]);

    return 0;
C program to print all command line arguments

Note: To pass custom arguments to the program, click the "Run" button and in the terminal, use the command ./args arg1 arg2 ... where arg1 and arg2 are the command line arguments.

Code explanation

  • Lines 411: We declare the main function, passing argc, and argv to access the command line arguments.

  • Lines 68: We use a for loop that starts from 0 and goes on till the number of arguments given to the program accessed via the argc variable.

  • Line 7: We print each command line argument by accessing each element from the argv array.


Try to see if you can solve the problem statement below.

Problem statement


Suppose we have coded the C program that is shown below. We compiled it and named its binary file display_args.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  printf("%s", argv[0]);
  return 0;

What will the code output be when we run the command ./display_args arg1 arg2?









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