How to get the ID of an element using jQuery


The attr method of jQuery is used to get the value of the id attribute of a DOM element.


The syntax of the attr metthod in jQuery


attributeName: This is the string value representing the name of the attribute to be retrieved from the DOM element.

Return value

This method returns the value of the provided attribute if the DOM element contains this attribute. Otherwise, undefined is returned.


Using the attr method to get the id of an element.


In the "HTML" tab:

  • Line 5: We create a div element with an id of test.
  • Line 6: We include the jQuery file.
  • Line 8: We create a variable, ele, and assign the created div element as the value.
  • Line 9: We invoke the attr method on ele with 'id' as an argument. This will retrieve the id attribute of ele. We will get test, a result that is printed on the console.

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