How to implement the dependency injection pattern in C#

Any code in which a class depends explicitly on another class is a highly-coupled code. The dependency injection pattern, like other design patterns, aims to lower the coupling (dependency) in a program so that it is easily extendable.

Parts of the pattern

The dependency injection pattern has four main roles which are performed by separate classes:

  1. Service: Service classes are those which are frequently used by another class. For example, the class Car will use the classes Wheel and Interior every time.
  2. Consumer: The consumer class consumes services; it is also known as a client.
  3. Interface: This is the interface that is implemented by every service. Introducing this interface reduces dependency between a consumer and the services it utilizes. Moreover, it increases the flexibility of our code.
  4. Injector: The main class which instantiates a service and injects it into the consumer.

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using System;
// Service interface:
interface IService{
string getName();
// First implementation of IService:
class SlowService: IService{
private string name = "Slow service";
public string getName(){
return name;
// Second implementation of IService:
class FastService: IService{
private string name = "Fast service";
public string getName(){
return name;
// Consumer class:
class Consumer{
private IService myService;
public Consumer(IService s){
myService = s;
public IService getService(){
return myService;
// Injector/Main class:
class Injector{
static void Main(string[] args){
Consumer x = new Consumer(new SlowService());
Consumer y = new Consumer(new FastService());

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