Haskell is a functional programming language. The functional programming paradigm focuses on changing data through expressions that don’t have side effects. These expressions are often called pure functions. Let’s see how to implement one of the most popular sorting algorithms, the insertion sort, in Haskell.
The basic idea behind insertion sort is that we repeatedly place each unsorted element in its correct place so that we end up with a sorted list.
We can divide the algorithm into two parts:
Let’s translate the above algorithm into a Haskell program:
insert_sorted :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]insert_sorted = \list -> \v ->case list ofx:xs | v>x -> x:insert_sorted xs v_ -> v:listinsertion_sort :: [Int] -> [Int]insertion_sort = \list ->case list of[] -> []x:xs -> insert_sorted (insertion_sort xs) xmain = print (insertion_sort [8, 9, 3, 4, 7])
functionThe insert_sorted
function inserts a new element in a sorted list in its correct place.
insert_sorted :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
shows that our function takes a list of integers, an integer element that needs to be inserted, and returns the resultant list.v
, followed by a case expression that implements the recursive formulation of the problem.x:xs
in the case statement is a syntax in Haskell that destructures a list into its head element and the remainder list.insert_sorted
function which is now passed the remainder of the list xs
. In the second case statement, we check if the input element is less than the head element, and then place the input element at the beginning of the list.insertion_sort
functionLet’s put all the pieces together.
statement handles the base scenario. If an empty list is passed as input, there is nothing to sort, and we return an empty list.insertion_sort
function. We pass it xs
, the list with its head removed. We can assume that our function correctly sorts the list xs
. The insert_sorted
function determines the correct place of the unsorted head element in the sorted list returned by the recursive call. We return the list returned by the insert_sorted
function, which correctly places the unsorted head element, and we end up with a sorted list.