How to install Python

Installation of Python in Windows and Mac operating system

1. Windows

  1. Select any web browser and type
  2. You will see a new Python website
  3. Click on “Downloads”
  4. Select the version of Python for Windows
  5. Download the latest version of Python
  6. After downloading, open the downloaded file; it will look like this
  7. Checkmark “Add Python 3.9 on path” and “Install launcher for all users,” then click on “Install”
  8. After installing, it will show that set up was successful

2. Mac OS

  1. Select any web browser and type

  2. You will see a new Python website, like this

  3. Click on “Downloads”

  4. Select the version of Python for a Mac operating system

  5. Download the latest version of Python on Mac OS. The Mac operating system will automatically detect the version.

  6. After downloading, open the downloaded file, it will look like this

  7. After that, click on “Continue” and go through the license. Then click “Continue.” To install, click on “Agree.”

  8. Click on “Install.” It may ask for your system password. In that case, type your password, then click on “Install Software”

  9. After installation, you will get the picture shown below

  10. Check that your Python has been properly installed

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