An inversion, or mirror, of a Binary Tree (T), is just a Binary Tree M(T) whose left and right children (of all non-leaf nodes) are swapped.
The solution is a simple recursive approach:
for left-subtree.invert
for right-subtree.The code snippet below implements the algorithm above:
#include <iostream>using namespace std;/* A node contains the value, left and right pointers */struct Node{int data;struct Node* left;struct Node* right;};/* Creates a new node */struct Node* newNode(int data){Node* node = new Node;node->data = data;node->left = NULL;node->right = NULL;return(node);}void invert(struct Node* node){if (node == NULL)return;else{struct Node* temp;/* recursive calls */invert(node->left);invert(node->right);/* swap the pointers in this node */temp = node->left;node->left = node->right;node->right = temp;}}/* print InOrder binary tree traversal.*/void print_tree(struct Node* node){if (node == NULL)return;print_tree(node->left);cout << node->data << " ";print_tree(node->right);}int main(){struct Node *root = newNode(2);root->left = newNode(1);root->right = newNode(4);root->right->left = newNode(3);root->right->right = newNode(5);cout << "Inorder traversal of the constructed"<< " tree is" << endl;print_tree(root);/* Invert the tree */invert(root);cout << endl;cout << "Inorder traversal of the inverted tree"<< " is \n";print_tree(root);return 0;}
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