How to loop through a dictionary in Julia

In Julia, we can loop through a dictionary in several ways:

  • Using a for loop on the keys function with dictionary indexing syntax.

  • Using a for loop with tuple unpacking.

  • Using a for loop with the item.first and item.second syntax.

Let's take a look at them one by one:

Using the keys function

We can loop through a dictionary in Julia using the keys function to iterate over the keys and then use dictionary indexing syntax to access the associated values.

Using tuple unpacking

We can also loop through a dictionary using a for loop with tuple unpacking. This allows us to process each key-value pair in the dictionary one by one within the loop.

Using item.first and item.second syntax

We can loop through all the key-value pairs in a dictionary using a for loop with the item.first and item.second syntax to access the keys and values of the dictionary.


Let's look at the code in the widget below to understand how we can use each approach.

# Define a dictionary
my_dict = Dict("Apple" => 3, "Banana" => 2, "Cherry" => 5)
# Loop through the dictionary using `keys()` and dictionary indexing syntax
println("1. Keys method: ")
for key in keys(my_dict)
println("Key: $key, Value: $(my_dict[key])")
# Loop through the dictionary using a for loop with tuple unpacking
println("\n2. Tuple method: ")
for (key, value) in my_dict
println("Key: $key, Value: $value")
# Loop through the dictionary using a for loop with the item.first and item.second syntax
println("\n3. item.first and item.second syntax: ")
for item in my_dict
println("Key: ", item.first, ", Value: ", item.second)


  • Line 1: We define a dictionary, my_dict, with three key-value pairs.

  • Line 5: We set up a for loop that iterates through the keys of the dictionary, my_dict, using the keys function. The keys function returns an iterable object that represents the keys of the dictionary.

  • Line 6: Inside the loop, we print the current key and the corresponding value of the dictionary.

  • Line 10: We set up a for loop that iterates through the key-value pairs of the dictionary, my_dict. The syntax (key, value) is used for tuple unpacking, which allows us to extract the keys and values of the dictionary into separate variables, key and value, respectively.

  • Line 11: We print the current key and value of the dictionary inside the loop.

  • Line 15: We set up a for loop that iterates through the key-value pairs of the dictionary, my_dict. The loop variable, item, represents each key-value pair as a tuple, where the first element is the key, and the second element is the value.

  • Line 16: Inside the loop, we print the key and the value of the current key-value pair using the item.first and item.second syntax, respectively.

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