How to loop through a list using the list comprehension method


A list in Python is a data structure that is a changeable/mutable and ordered sequence of elements. Each element or value present in a list is called an item. In a Python program, lists are defined by having values between square brackets [ ].


countries = ["USA", "CHINA", "TURKEY"]

From the example above, we can see that countries is a list variable, while "USA", "CHINA", and "TURKEY" are all elements of that list.

How to loop through a list in Python

To loop through a list in Python means to repeat something over and over the items of the list until a particular condition is satisfied.

We can use the list comprehension method to loop through a list because it offers the shortest syntax for looping through a list.

The list comprehension method

As previously mentioned, the list comprehension method offers a shorter syntax.


*expression* for *item* in *iterable* if *condition* == True

The list comprehension method is a shorthand for the use of the for loop, which helps us print all the items of a particular list.

Code example

# creating a list
countries = ["USA", "CHINA", "BRAZIL", "TURKEY"]
# using the list comprehension method
[print(x) for x in countries]

Code explanation

  • Line 2: We create a list and name it countries.
  • Line 5: We use the list comprehension method to print all of the items of the list.

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