How to loop through a set using a for loop in Python


In Python, a set is used to store unordered and unchangeable multiple items in a single variable. In a code, sets are defined by values between braces { }.

Defining a set

countries = {"USA", "CHINA", "TURKEY"}

In the above example, we see that countries is a set variable whereas "USA", "CHINA", and "TURKEY" are the elements of the set.

Looping through a set in Python

To loop through a set in Python means to repeat something multiple times in the elements of the set. The loop runs until a particular condition is satisfied.

We can loop through a set in Python using a for loop.


for (expression):

The expression given in the code above is conventionaly a condition. The statement will execute when the condition given is True.

Example 1

In the below code, we print all the items in the set one by one.

# creating a set
countries = {"USA", "CHINA", "TURKEY"}
# using a for loop
for element in countries:


  • Line 2: We create a set, countries.
  • Line 5: We use a for loop to create an expression. This makes x become each element of the set.
  • Line 6: We print all the elements of the set.

We use an index variable and call the len() function to iterate over a set. In order to do this, we’ll have to first convert the set to a list object in order to iterate over the items.

Example 2

# creating a set
countries = {"USA", "CHINA", "TURKEY"}
# converting the set to a list
mylist = list(countries)
# using the index value and calling the len() function
for index in range(len(mylist)):


  • Line 2: We create a set, countries.
  • Line 5: We use the list() function to convert the set variable to a list variable, mylist. This allows us to iterate over items.
  • Line 8 and 9: We use the index and call the len() function. Next, we iterate over the items and print them.

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