A color gradient is a way to subtly switch between two or more colors. The term refers to a particular color gradient alternating between colors in a circular pattern, usually beginning with one color in the center and gradually moving to others as you move outward.
Python's circular color gradient function can be a helpful tool for data visualization or for enhancing a project's visual appeal. The Python Imaging Library (PIL) and matplotlib
libraries are two of the more popular ways to make a circular color gradient in Python. Both options will be discussed in this Answer, along with examples.
Given that matplotlib
is a powerful and effective data visualization library in Python and offers numerous ways to create various types of plots, including circular color gradients, it is a common choice among Python programmers to create circular color gradients.
We'll use numpy
and matplotlib
to create a color gradient by defining a color map.
import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap# defining the color mapcmap_colors = [(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0)]colormap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("my_cmap", cmap_colors)# creating the meshgridA, B = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1,1,100), np.linspace(-1,1,100))C = np.sqrt(A**2 + B**2)# plotting the color mapplt.figure(figsize=(7,7))plt.pcolormesh(A, B, C, cmap=colormap)plt.axis("equal")plt.show()print("Circular gradient created successfully!")
Line 1: We import numpy
with an alias np
Line 2: We import matplotlib
with an alias plt
Line 3: Import the LinearSegmentedColormap
, a colormap object based on linear segment lookup tables.
Line 6: We create a list of colors, with each color within a tuple and following the RGB format. The colors are assigned to the variable cmap_colors
Line 7: The cmap_colors
is passed into the LinearSegmentedColormap
Line 10: We make a rectangular grid out of two given one-dimensional arrays of numbers that are evenly spaced over a predetermined range using the meshgrid()
Line 11: The two one-dimensional array is raised to the power of two, added and then the square root is assigned to a variable C
Line 14: Using the matplotlib
alias plt
, we determine the size of the plot.
Line 15: With the pcolormesh()
we can create 2D image-style plots, passing the variables A
, B
, C
and the colormap
into it.
Line 16: This ensures that the axes are equal.
Line 17: We show our color gradient using the .show()
Line 18: This is a confirmation message.
Another well-liked option for Python image manipulation is the PIL
library. We can create a new image and then use the ImageDraw
module to draw a circular color gradient using PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw#create an image with a white backgroundimage = Image.new("RGB", (200,200), (255, 255, 255))#create a draw objectobj = ImageDraw.Draw(image)#define the starting and ending angles for the pie slicestart = 0end = 90#define the color gradientcolor_gradient = [(255,0,0), (0,255,0), (0,0,255)]#draw the pie slice with the color gradientfor i, color in enumerate(color_gradient):obj.pieslice([25, 25, 175, 175], fill=color, start=start, end=end)start += 90end += 90#show the imageimage.show()
Line 1: Import the Image
and ImageDraw
module from PIL.
Line 3: Create a new image with a white background.
Line 6: Create the draw object.
Line 9: Define the starting angle of the pie slice.
Line 10: The ending angle of the pie slice is defined.
Line 13: We defined the color gradient with three colors in RGB.
Line 16: Loop through the color gradient, the color_gradient
variable is converted to an enumerate object.
Line 17: The obj.pieslice()
takes four aruguments.
Line 18: Increment the starting angle by
Line 19: We also increment the ending angle by
Line 22: This shows our PIL
In conclusion, using Python to create a circular color gradient is helpful for visually appealing data visualizations. Numerous applications, including data visualization, graphic design, and image processing, can benefit from this. All this is achievable with the aid of PIL
and matplotlib
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