How to remove characters from a string in JavaScript

In JavaScript, strings are primitive values that contain a series of characters enclosed in single (' ') quote, double (" ") quotes or backticks (` `) that are zero-based. Strings are immutable, which means that when a string is modified, the original string doesn’t change, instead we get a new string.

JavaScript provides built-in methods to manipulate the value of a string. With string manipulation we can modify and transform strings using various techniques, that helps us write less code and makes our job easier. One of the ways we can manipulate strings is by removing characters from the string.

The following methods can be used to remove characters from a string in JavaScript:

  • The replace() method

  • The slice() method

  • The split() method

  • The substr() method

  • The substring() method

Let’s look at these methods one by one:

The replace() method

This method returns a new string with its replacement. It takes in two arguments—the first argument is the character to be replaced and the second argument is the character we are replacing it with. To remove the character using the replace() method, we replace the second argument with an empty string.


nameOfstring.replace('characterToBeReplaced', 'newCharacter');


const str = "Hello World";
// replacing H with B
const repStr = str.replace("H", "B"); // "Bello World"
// removing character W
const newStr = str.replace("W", ""); // "Hello orld"


Line 4: The replace() method replaces H (first argument) with B (second argument).

Line 9: The replace() method removes the W character and returns a new string Hello orld.

The Replace() method with a regular expression

We can also use the replace() method with regular expressions. The regular expression is used along with the global property, g. This combination selects all occurrences of the string and allows us to remove them all.


nameOfstring.replace( /regularExpression/g, "");


const str = "The day is bright, it's bright and fair.";
// replacing bright with amazing
const repStr = str.replace(/bright/g, "amazing");
console.log(repStr); //The day is amazing, it's amazing and fair.
// removing bright
const remStr = str.replace(/bright/g, "");
console.log(remStr); //The day is , it's and fair.


  • Line 3: The replace() method selects all occurrences of the word bright, and replaces them with amazing.

  • Line 8: The replace() method removes all occurrences of the word bright.

The slice() method

This method extracts a portion of the string. It takes in two parameters—the start index and the end index, and returns the string between them.


nameOfString.slice(startIndex, endIndex);



  • Line 4: When the slice() method has zero arguments, it creates a copy of the string.

  • Line 8: When the slice() method contains one argument, this argument represents the start index. Therefore, the extraction started from the start index t which is the third character to the end of the array excluding the element at the end index, so the extracted item is thematics.

  • Line 12: When the slice() method contains two arguments, it extracts from the start index to the end index. Here, the extraction started from a which is the seventh character and stopped at t which is the eighth character.

  • Line 16: When given a negative index, the slice() method counts backward from the end of the string to find the indices.

  • Line 20: To remove the last character using slice() method, we pass string.length-1 as the end index. The default for endIndex is the length of the string.

The split() method

This method uses the separator to break up the string into substrings, it can also take up an optional argument that shows the limit of items to be put in the array.




  • Line 4: The split() method uses the separator (" ") to divide the string into substrings.

  • Line 7: The split() method takes in 2 arguments: the first is an empty string and the second argument is 2 (limit of items to be put in the array).

The substr() method

This method extracts a portion of the string, it takes in two arguments—the start index and the length of the substring. If the substr() method contains one argument, it extracts from the start index to the end of the string.




  • Line 3: The extraction started from index 0 till index 4 (excluding index 4).

The substring() method

This method extracts characters from the start index to the end index (excluding the element at the end index).




  • Line 4: The extraction started from index 0 till index 4 (excluding index 4).

  • Line 6: The extraction is started from index 7 till the end.

  • Lines 9–10: If the startIndex is greater than the endIndex, arguments are swapped.

  • Line 13: If the value of the startIndex or endIndex is less than 0, these values are treated as 0.

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