How to replace a string with another string in C# using replace()

Replacing a string with another string is possible in C#, just like in other programming languages. To do this, we use the replace() method. It replaces any occurrence of the given string or character with another one specified.


string.replace(rem, rep)


  • rem: This is the character or string you want to remove.
  • rep: This is the character or string you want to use as a replacement.

Return value

The return value is a new string.


In the example below, we will demonstrate the use of the replace() method. We will create a string and replace some strings and characters in it.

// create class
class StringReplacer
// create main method
static void Main()
// create string
string str = "This, was C#";
// replace some characters and strings
string rep1 = str.Replace("was", "is");
string rep2 = str.Replace(",", "");

In the code above, we first replaced was with is. We also replaced , with whitespace.