How to return the number of days in a month in pandas


The .daysinmonth attribute of the Timestamp object (an equivalent of Python's datetime object) is used to obtain the number of days present in a month.


Syntax for the .daysinmonth attribute in Pandas


This attribute takes no parameter value.

Return value

It returns an integer representing the number of days in the given month.


# A code to illustrate the .daysinmonth attribute in Pandas
# importing the pandas library
import pandas as pd
# creating a Timestamp object
a = pd.Timestamp(2022, 4, 19)
# obtaining the number of days present in the month 4 (i.e April)


  • Line 3: We import the pandas module.
  • Line 6: We create a Timestamp object, a.
  • Line 9: We obtain the number of days present in the given month, 4 , in a using the .daysinmonth attribute.

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