How to use Dart test()

The test() function in Dart allows developers to define test cases, make assertions, and validate the expected behavior of their code. It is a powerful tool for ensuring code correctness.

This function plays a crucial role in software development by verifying the smallest testable software units, such as functions, methods, or classes. In the image below, different type of testing is displayed.

Types of testing
Types of testing


We can follow the instructions given below to implement the test() function.

  1. Install the test package by defining it into pubspec.yaml file.

  2. Import the package into the dart file.

  3. Define the test cases according to the syntax guidelines.

Installing the package

To begin using the test() function in Dart, we need to install the necessary package that provides the testing framework. For this purpose, we will open the pubspec.yaml in our dart project and will add the following line under the "dependencies" section.


After making the changes, we can install the package in two ways.

  • Right-click the pubspec.yaml file and click on "get packages."

  • Write the following command in the terminal.

dart pub get

Importing the package

We can import a package into the Dart file by adding the following line of code in the Dart file where we want to implement the test() function:

import "package:test/test.dart";


We can specify tests in Dart using test(), while the test assertionsTest assertions are statements used to verify expected behavior or outcomes in a test. are made using the expect() functions.

test("Here we can write description of the test", () {
   // Here you can specify any variable or logic
   expect(actualValue , expectedOutcome) 

We can also group multiple tests using a group() function and specify a group description for it.

group("We can specify group name here", () { 
   test("Here we can write description of the test 1", () { 
      expect(actual, exptected); 
   test("Here we can write description of the test 2", () { 
      expect(actual, expected); 

Code examples

Here we will discuss two examples by putting together the code explained above, one where test cases will be passed and the other where some will fail.

Passing test case

In the code below, we have two files: index.dart, where one test case is defined, and the other is pubspec.yaml file where the test package is declared so we can import it into the dart file.

// Import the test package 
import "package:test/test.dart";

// Function to be tested
int Add(int x,int y) {     
   var z = x+y;
   return z; 
void main() { 
   print("  ");
   // Define the test 
   test("test to check add method",(){  
      // Arrange 
      var expected = 30; 
      // Act 
      var actual = Add(10,20); 
      // Asset 

Code Explanation

  • Lines 58: This code defines a Add() function, which is being tested, takes two integers as input parameters, adds them together, and returns the sum. 

  • Lines 13–22: A test case is defined using the test() function. The test case has a description ("test to check add method"). Inside the test case, a variable expected is initialized with the expected sum value. The Add() function is invoked with input values (10 and 20), and the result is stored in the actual variable. The expect() function is used to compare the actual and expected values. If they match, the test case passes; otherwise, it fails.


As the index.dart contains only one test case, and it passed, so the output shows +1 in the final output.

00:00 +0: test to check add method

00:00 +1: All tests passed!

Failing test case

In the code below, we again have the same two files index.dart, where two test cases are defined but they are grouped, and the other is pubspec.yaml file where the test package is declared so we can import it into the dart file.

// Import the test package 
import 'package:test/test.dart'; 

// Function to be tested
int Add(int x,int y){ 
   return x+y; 
int Sub(int x,int y){ 
   return x-y-1; 

void main(){ 

   group("This is a group",(){
      test('test to check sub',(){ 
      var expected = 10;   
      // Arrange 
      var actual = Sub(30,20);  
      // Act 
      // Assert 
   test("test to check add method",(){ 
      var expected = 30;   
      // Arrange 
      var actual = Add(10,20);  
      // Act 
      // Asset 

Code Explanation

  • Lines 5–10: Two functions are defined for the test: Add() and Sub(). Add() takes two parameters x and y, and returns their sum while Sub() subtracts y from x and then subtracts 1 from the result.

  • Line 14: A test block is defined using the group() function. It groups related tests and provide a description.

  • Lines 15–34: We have two individual test cases defined using the test() function in the test group. The first test, 'test to check sub,' checks the result of the Sub() function and expects the value 10 as the outcome. The second test, 'test to check add method,' checks the result of the Add() function and expects the value 30 as the outcome.


This time index.dart file contains two test cases, but as a group, one fails, and the other passes, so the count becomes +1 -1.

00:00 +0: This is a group test to check sub

00:00 +0 -1: This is a group test to check sub [E]

  Expected: <10>
    Actual: <9>

  package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 149      fail
  package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 144      _expect
  package:matcher/src/expect/expect.dart 56       expect
  index.dart 22                                   main.<fn>.<fn>
  package:test_api/src/backend/declarer.dart 215  Declarer.test.<fn>.<fn>
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  package:test_api/src/backend/declarer.dart 213  Declarer.test.<fn>
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  package:test_api/src/backend/invoker.dart 258   Invoker._waitForOutstandingCallbacks.<fn>

00:00 +0 -1: This is a group test to check add method

00:00 +1 -1: Some tests failed.


The Dart test() function is essential for ensuring code quality. Developers can effectively implement tests verifying their software units' correctness by installing the test package, importing it into their Dart files, and following the syntax guidelines. This practice helps catch potential bugs and ensures the code behaves as expected. Adopting a test-driven development approach with test() in Dart can lead to more reliable applications.

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