How to use the lines string method in Kotlin


The lines method in Kotlin splits a single string into a list of multiple lines based on the following characters:

  • Line feed: \n
  • Carriage return: \r


fun CharSequence.lines(): List<String>


This method doesn’t take any arguments.

Return value

This method returns a List of String as a return value.

Code example

The code below demonstrates how to use the lines method in Kotlin:

fun main() {
// The string to be split
var str: String = "Line 1.\nLine 2.\rLine 3.\r\nLine 4."
// Using the lines() function to split the string
var lines = str.lines()
// Printing the lines
lines.forEach { println(it) }


Line 3: We create a string with line feed (\n) and carriage return (\r) characters.

Line 6: We use the lines method to split the string into multiple strings delimited by the new line characters.

Line 9: We use the forEach method to print the list of strings returned by the lines method.

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