How to use the nameof keyword in C#

The nameof keyword in C# returns the variable, type, or member as a string. The string is resolved during compile time, meaning that using it won't affect our performance.

The benefit of using it is that whenever we have an error message, for example, linked to a variable, the error message is not vulnerable to refactorings.



The syntax for the keyword is pretty simple: nameof(variableName).

Return value

The name of the variable as a string.

Examples and use cases

Let's see how we can use the nameof keyword. We've used accountName in the example below. Try changing the name of the variable and see how it affects the output.

using System;
class MainClass
static void Main()
// Declaration of the variable
string accountName = "Foo";
// Prints the name of the variable, courtesy of the 'nameof' keyword
Console.WriteLine("The name of the variable is: " + nameof(accountName));
// Prints the value of the variable
Console.WriteLine("The value of the variable is: " + accountName);

The example above simply demonstrates how to use and the effects of using the nameof keyword. Now let's see some more examples, covering daily use cases for the keyword.

Argument exceptions

using System;
class MainClass
static void Main()
// Declaration of the variable
int catsAge = 30;
// Validates the age
// Prints the result of the execution to the user
Console.WriteLine("Method ran successfully!");
static void ValidateAge(int catsAge)
// Verifies is under the minimum value
if(catsAge < 0)
// Throws an exception with a message and the name of the invalid parameter
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(catsAge), "Invalid age.");
// Verifies exceeds the maximum value
if(catsAge > 25)
// Throws an exception with a message and the name of the invalid parameter
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(catsAge), "Cats don't live that long, unfortunately.");

PropertyChanged event in WPF

class WildWestCity : INotifyPropertyChanged
// Declares the event
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
// Declares the variable
private string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
// Stores the value in the variable
name = value;
// Calls the method that invokes the event, supplying its name as the parameter
// Declares the variable
private int population;
public int Population
get { return population; }
// Stores the value in the variable
population = value;
// Calls the method that invokes the event, supplying its name as the parameter
public void OnPropertyChanged(string property)
// Invokes the event
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));

Note: The code above is not executable. It is simply an example class to demonstrate how we can possibly use the keyword when implementing INotifyPropertyChanged.

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